Ghost Alternative? Review of 9 Best Options for Publishing Content

Check out the top 9 Ghost alternatives for publishing content, with comprehensive reviews to help you find the best platform for your needs.

Ghost Alternative? Review of 9 Best Options for Publishing Content
Are you a business owner or content creator looking for the best platform for content marketing? If so, you're likely aware of the fantastic benefits of blogging for business. From increasing website traffic to building brand credibility and boosting sales, active blogging can revolutionize your brand's digital presence.
Looking for a way to seamlessly create, organize, and optimize your content for maximum impact without coding expertise? Notion to blog by Feather offers an intuitive solution that could be exactly what you need - everything you need to kickstart your blogging journey and more.

What is Ghost?

Ghost Alternative
Ghost Alternative
Ghost is a leading digital publishing and blogging platform tailored for writers building a business around content. Initially a simple blogging software, Ghost now offers:
  • Metrics
  • Email service
  • Integrations for referral program creation
As an open-source tool, it provides customizable features for content creation and audience engagement, making it a valuable resource for writers and bloggers.

Features and Benefits of Using Ghost

Ghost Alternative
Ghost Alternative

Easy Site Design

Ghost provides users with complete control over their website and branding. Publishers can launch custom websites and fine-tune design settings to align perfectly with their brand. The platform offers the flexibility to choose from hundreds of custom themes or build a completely unique design from scratch. This feature allows businesses to create a professional and visually appealing online presence that resonates with their target audience.

Advanced Creator Tools

The editor within Ghost is tailored for professionals, with a calm design and advanced workflows. The platform supports rich media and dynamic cards, enabling publishers to enhance their content with:
  • Image galleries
  • Gifs
  • Video
  • Audio
  • Products
  • Info boxes
These advanced creator tools help businesses create engaging, interactive content that drives user engagement and boosts brand visibility.

Grow Your Audience

Ghost transforms clicks into contacts with native signup forms, converting views into members. It supports free signups and paid subscriptions across monthly and yearly premium tiers. By growing their audience through Ghost, businesses can expand their reach, increase brand loyalty, and drive revenue through premium content offerings.

Run Your Business

In addition to helping businesses grow their audience, Ghost provides tools to manage memberships efficiently. It offers insights into:
  • User sign-ups
  • Payments
  • Reading preferences
This helps publishers better understand their audience. By utilizing Ghost's business management features, companies can optimize their content strategy, increase revenue, and build a loyal customer base.

From Notion to SEO-Friendly Blog With Feather

Ghost Alternative
Ghost Alternative
Feather is an SEO-friendly blog that allows you to publish blog content through Notion without the need for coding or design skills.

Manage CRM And More Through Notion With Feather

Feather enables HubSpot with Notion, allowing companies to manage CRM and blog content. Features include:
  • Custom CSS
  • Collect Emails
  • Automatic publishing
Try Feather’s notion to blog software for free today — create a new account and go from Notion to blog in minutes!

So, Why Consider a Ghost Alternative

Ghost Alternative
Ghost Alternative

Limitations of Ghost

1. Limited Functionality

Ghost excels at content creation and publishing but may lack extensive features of other CMS platforms. Advanced features like e-commerce require additional plugins or custom development.

2. Plugin Ecosystem

Ghost has a limited plugin ecosystem, especially for niche requirements. Users might need custom development for specific functionality

3. Learning Curve for Non-Technical Users

Non-technical users may face a learning curve with Markdown syntax and the platform's configuration settings.

4. Self-Hosting And Maintenance

The self-hosted version requires managing server infrastructure, software updates, and security patches, which can be daunting without technical expertise.

9 Best Ghost Alternatives for Publishing Content

Ghost Alternative
Ghost Alternative

1. Feather

Feather is an SEO-friendly blog that lets you publish blog content through Notion. It requires no coding or design skills. Feather allows companies to write blog content on Notion and automatically publish it to their Feather blog. Feather allows you to set up a Subfolder blog ( instead of, because a subfolder is better for SEO).
Feather enables companies to get the HubSpot experience through Notion by allowing them to manage all their CRM and website blog management through Notion. We also offer options to change design with custom CSS, collect Emails, and much more.
Try Feather’s notion to blog software for free today — create a new account and go from notion to blog in minutes!

2. WordPress

WordPress is a versatile platform ideal for blogs, offering:
  • Themes
  • Plugins
  • Integrations
Unlike Ghost, WordPress offers extensive customization for interactive blogs or eCommerce sites. WordPress is an excellent choice for beginners as it requires no coding, featuring tools like Yoast SEO and Akismet Spam Protection. WordPress’s WYSIWYG editor simplifies content creation, and its self-hosting option is user-friendly with quick installers from various web host.

3. Medium

Medium is a free platform that offers both readers and writers a unique experience. Writers can make money through the Medium partner program and affiliate marketing, with the platform providing a consistent writing environment. Compared to Ghost, Medium offers a more affordable option for writing and monetizing content.
With two subscription options, readers can access unlimited articles for a monthly fee, while writers can earn money through the Medium partner program. Medium excels in SEO, enabling articles to rank on Google quickly, making it an ideal platform for writers looking to gain traction and visibility.

4. Squarespace

Squarespace is a user-friendly platform for building visually appealing blogs without coding knowledge. With drag-and-drop features, users can create professional websites easily. Squarespace offers robust e-commerce capabilities, making it a great alternative to Ghost for bloggers looking to sell products or services.
The platform provides extensive design flexibility with various themes and customization options, allowing users to create a unique brand identity. Squarespace suits artists, designers, and entrepreneurs who prioritize visual appeal and functionality in their blogs.

5. Substack

Substack is a powerful platform for writers looking to launch newsletter-based businesses. With a focus on email campaigns, Substack simplifies:
  • Newsletter management
  • Subscriber lists
  • Monetization
The platform fosters community growth among subscribers, creating engaging content that builds brand loyalty.
Writers can monetize their blogs through free or paid subscriptions, leveraging Substack's straightforward subscription model for profitable ventures. Substack is a compelling alternative to Ghost for writers prioritizing direct communication with their audience via newsletters.

6. Drupal

Drupal is an advanced content management system suitable for users looking for a powerful blogging and website-building platform. Compared to Ghost, Drupal offers advanced features like:
  • User and page content management
  • Version control
  • Access control
  • Multi-lingual support
Drupal excels in SEO capabilities and is designed to follow best practices from the beginning. With a steep learning curve, Drupal is ideal for advanced or intermediate users who prefer a feature-rich CMS. If you seek advanced blog management, multi-lingual support, and robust SEO capabilities, Drupal is a perfect choice over Ghost.

7. Patreon

Patreon is a membership-based website that helps creators monetize their products through subscriptions. Unlike Ghost, Patreon charges a percentage of a creator's gross revenue, offering a cost-effective alternative for creators. With various business tools, Patreon empowers creators to maintain creative freedom while earning what they are worth. Creators can provide:
  • Exclusive content
  • Viewership
  • Perks to subscribers in exchange for a monthly fee

8. Gumroad

Gumroad is an e-commerce platform that simplifies the process of selling products directly to consumers. Creators like musicians, filmmakers, writers, and developers can easily leverage Gumroad to bypass traditional selling hassles and reach interested buyers. Gumroad offers a streamlined selling experience, making it a valuable platform for artists and creators to sell their products online.

9. HubPages

HubPages is a user-generated content platform that allows writers to publish articles and earn money based on views. While less popular than Medium, HubPages offers a built-in monetization system for writers. The platform is easy to use, making it a great option for bloggers looking to start publishing articles and monetizing their content.
Unlike Ghost, HubPages does not offer full control over content but provides a pre-monetized platform for writers seeking to earn money from their articles.

Factors to Consider When Choosing a Ghost Alternative

Ghost Alternative
Ghost Alternative

Ease of Use

When searching for a Ghost alternative, one of the key factors to consider is ease of use. Is the platform user-friendly and intuitive, especially for beginners? Does it have a steep learning curve, or can you start quickly? A user-friendly interface and content creation process can significantly impact your blogging experience. A platform that is easy to navigate and understand can help you focus on creating content rather than figuring out how to use the platform.

Customization Options

Another crucial factor to consider is the platform's customization options. Can you easily design and brand your site to make it unique and stand out? Having control over the look and feel of your site can help you create a brand that resonates with your audience. Look for a platform that offers flexibility in design customization to create a site that aligns with your brand identity.

Feature Set

The feature set of a platform can significantly impact your blogging strategy. Look for core features like:
  • SEO tools
  • Membership options
  • Newsletters
  • Analytics, etc.
These features can help you:
  • Optimize your content for search engines
  • Engage with your audience
  • Track your site's performance
Evaluate whether the platform has the features you need for your content and audience to ensure you can create a successful blog.

Ownership and Control

When choosing a Ghost alternative, consider how much control you have over your content and site. With some platforms, you may not fully own your content or site data, which can be a significant drawback. Evaluate the platform's ownership and control policies to ensure you can manage and own your content as you see fit.


Can the platform scale with your site as it grows? Look for signs of limitations on traffic, features, customization, etc., which can hinder your site's growth in the long run. Choosing a scalable platform ensures that you can continue to meet your needs as your site expands and evolves.

SEO and Discoverability

SEO plays a crucial role in driving organic traffic to your site. Evaluate how well the platform optimizes your content for search engines and whether it provides tools to help your content get discovered. A platform that prioritizes SEO can help your content rank higher in search engine results, increasing your site's visibility and reach.

Monetization Options

If you plan to monetize your blog, consider what revenue streams the platform supports. Look for features like ads, memberships, subscriptions, affiliates, etc., to help you generate income from your site. Evaluating the platform's monetization options can help you choose a Ghost alternative that aligns with your revenue goals.
By carefully weighing these factors against your specific needs and goals, you'll be able to find a Ghost alternative that sets you up for long-term success with your content. The right platform will empower you to create, engage, and grow your audience.

Go From Notion to Blog With Ease Today With Feather

With the Feather blog platform, companies can effortlessly leverage these benefits through a user-friendly and SEO-friendly interface. Blogging for business offers several benefits, including:
  • Enhancing online visibility
  • Boosting brand authority
  • Driving organic traffic to your website
  • Serve as a platform for showcasing your expertise in your industry
  • Nurturing customer relationships
  • Generating leads for your business.

SEO-Friendly Blogging With Feather

Feather is a game-changer when it comes to SEO-friendly blogging. By enabling companies to craft and publish blog content through Notion, Feather ensures that content remains streamlined and seamlessly integrated with website design. Feather requires no coding or design skills, making it accessible to businesses of all sizes. This seamless integration allows companies to manage all CRM and website blog management efficiently through Notion.

Subfolder Blog for Enhanced SEO

Feather further offers companies the option to set up a subfolder blog, such as, rather than This subfolder structure is known to be more SEO-friendly, enhancing search engine visibility and improving organic search rankings. Feather's subfolder blog feature empowers businesses to optimize their online presence and attract more organic traffic.

Automate Publishing With Feather

Feather's automation capabilities streamline the publishing process, allowing companies to publish blog content automatically without manual intervention. This feature saves time and effort and ensures consistent and timely content delivery. By eliminating the manual publishing process, Feather enables businesses to focus on creating quality content and engaging with their audience, driving better results for their blogging efforts.

Customization and Advanced Features

Feather offers a range of customization options, including the ability to change the blog's design using custom CSS. This allows businesses to align their blog's visual identity with their brand aesthetic and create a cohesive online presence. Feather enables companies to collect emails from website visitors, helping them build their email list and nurture leads effectively.
These advanced features enhance Feather's functionality, making it a solution for businesses looking to leverage the power of Notion to blog.

Ready to start your own blog while writing all your content on Notion?

Notion to Blog in minutes

Start your free trial

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