Substack vs ConvertKit, Which Is Best for Publishing Your Newsletter?

Compare Substack and ConvertKit to find the best platform for publishing your newsletter and effectively reaching your audience.

Substack vs ConvertKit, Which Is Best for Publishing Your Newsletter?
Are you looking to start your Notion Newsletter but need help with the many email newsletter platforms available? Comparing Substack vs. ConvertKit can help you decide whether to kickstart your newsletter journey for every email sent by Feather's solution.
Feather's send emails from Notion integrates seamlessly with Substack and ConvertKit, making it easier to manage your newsletter campaigns.

Substack vs. ConvertKit At A Glance

Substack vs ConvertKit
Substack vs ConvertKit
When comparing Substack and ConvertKit, the primary distinction lies in their functionality and focus. ConvertKit excels in providing advanced customization and monetization options for newsletters. It is particularly well-suited for creators who:
  • Want to monetize their content through memberships or ads
  • Have an existing website on another platform
  • Seek a tool that caters to both beginners and professionals
In contrast, Substack offers a versatile platform for publishing various types of content, all within a single interface:
  • Newsletters
  • Blogs
  • Podcasts
Substack appeals to those who prefer a free forever plan and value simplicity over extensive customization. It is ideal if you want to publish different types of content without the need for intricate customization and are looking for an easy-to-use solution.

What Is Substack?

Substack vs ConvertKit
Substack vs ConvertKit
Substack is mainly a newsletter tool, but they are trying to become a place to publish all kinds of content like:
  • Blog
  • Podcast
  • Chat with subscribers
They even have a Twitter "clone" called Notes. Founded in 2017, the platform has significantly impacted media by popularizing paid newsletters. Substack is one of the main reasons newsletters are becoming so popular again, as it makes monetizing content easy.
Substack's platform's primary focus is to empower writers and provide them with the tools they need to succeed. The platform offers various features catering to independent content creators' needs:
  • Monetization opportunities for audience ownership
  • Allows writers to take charge of their creative journey
  • Builds a sustainable career
Marketed as “a place for independent writing,” Substack allows writers to:
  • Start a paid newsletter/blog business
  • Build community
  • Make money from subscriptions
They claim that zero tech knowledge is required and aim to care for everything except the hard part–the writing itself. They promise true independence where the writer keeps the copyright to all their content.
How it works is fairly simple, so it now boasts more than 35 million active subscriptions— three million of which are paid. Writers can import existing content they wrote on other platforms, such as:
  • Mailchimp
  • WordPress
  • Tinyletter
  • Medium
  • Tumblr
  • Some custom-built sites
  • Can set up a new site from scratch in a few minutes
Once live, the creator chooses which posts are free and which are gated behind the Substack paywall.

What Is ConvertKit?

Substack vs ConvertKit
Substack vs ConvertKit
ConvertKit was founded in 2013 by a blogger named Nathan Barry. He was looking for a more creator-friendly email marketing solution, so he created his own. ConvertKit distinguishes itself as a sophisticated platform designed with creators in mind. It caters specifically to:
  • Bloggers
  • Authors
  • Online course instructors
It provides them the tools to grow their audience and monetize their content effectively.
In a digital landscape where the personal connection with the audience translates into success, ConvertKit offers a suite of features to enhance this relationship. The platform’s philosophy is centered around “creator-first,” which means it prioritizes ease of use without sacrificing the power and flexibility creators need to:
  • Launch
  • Manage
  • Grow their email marketing efforts

Streamline Your Content Marketing With Feather

Feather is an SEO-friendly blog and email newsletter service that allows you to publish blog content and a newsletter through Notion.

Key Features

  • No Coding or Design Skills Required: Feather allows companies to create and publish blog content without technical expertise.
  • Automatic Publishing from Notion: Write content on Notion and automatically publish it to your Feather blog.
  • SEO-Friendly Subfolder Blogs: Set up a subfolder blog (e.g., for better.
  • HubSpot-Like Experience: Manage CRM and website blog activities directly through Notion.
  • Custom CSS Design Options: Customize your blog’s design with custom CSS.
  • Email Collection: Feather offers tools to collect email addresses for marketing campaigns.
  • Team Collaboration: Collaborate easily with your team during the content creation and publishing.
Run your blog and newsletter with Feather today! Create a new account and send emails from Notion, or go from notion to blog in minutes!

Substack vs. ConvertKit: Detailed Feature Comparison

Substack vs ConvertKit
Substack vs ConvertKit


Substack offers a distinct advantage with its built-in discoverability features. When you publish on Substack, your content is automatically featured on the Substack newsfeed, which allows it to be seen by a broader audience within the Substack ecosystem. This means that even if you're just starting, you can attract new subscribers through the platform's algorithmic recommendations and the general exposure provided by the newsfeed.

Built-in Audience Growth

Substack sends your newsletters directly to your subscribers' inboxes, which helps maintain engagement and visibility. This integrated discoverability is particularly useful if you’re new and want to leverage an existing audience without additional marketing efforts.

Self-Reliant Subscriber Building

ConvertKit does not have an internal community or algorithm to distribute your content. This means you will need to build and grow your subscriber list independently. While ConvertKit lacks an automatic discovery mechanism, it recently introduced the Creator Network feature. This allows users to recommend other creators and receive recommendations, which can help expand your reach by leveraging mutual promotions.

The Discovery Advantage

Substack offers a significant advantage in terms of discoverability for users starting from scratch. ConvertKit’s reliance on self-promotion and organic growth requires a more proactive approach to building an audience.

Ease of Use


  • Designed with simplicity and user experience in mind
  • Clean and intuitive, making it accessible to creators of all skill levels
  • User-friendly design, setting up, and managing email campaigns is straightforward
  • Suitable for all users, whether beginners or more advanced users.


  • Focus on ease of content creation
  • Straightforward, requiring minimal setup.
  • Ideal for writers who want to focus on content rather than technicalities
  • Enable quick newsletter publishing without complex customization
  • Perfect for those who prioritize content over technical features

Email Marketing Features

ConvertKit excels in providing a comprehensive suite of email marketing tools. It includes advanced features, such as:
  • Automation
  • Segmentation
  • Personalization

Advanced Email Marketing Automation

You can create complex email marketing funnels with detailed triggers and actions, allowing for targeted campaigns. This level of sophistication benefits users who must implement detailed marketing strategies and track engagement across different audience segments.

Simple and Effective Email Delivery

Substack keeps email marketing features simple, focusing on delivering content directly to subscribers. It lacks advanced automation and segmentation capabilities, so it’s better suited for creators who prefer a straightforward approach. Substack handles the essentials of email distribution effectively but does not offer the depth of features found in ConvertKit.

Subscription Management


  • Advanced Tools: Provides detailed insights into subscriber behavior.
  • Comprehensive Segmentation: Allows for tailored communications to specific audience segments.
  • Robust Analytics: Ideal for users needing in-depth analysis of subscriber data.


  • More basic but user-friendly: Provides a straightforward system for managing subscriptions.
  • Integrated Payments: Handles payment directly through the platform
  • Simplicity: Ideal for creators seeking an easy way to manage their subscriber base without extensive tools or analytics.

Integration Capabilities

ConvertKit offers strong integration capabilities with a wide range of third-party applications and services, including:
  • eCommerce platforms
  • Webinar tools
  • And more
Connecting with various tools helps streamline workflows and extends functionality across different areas of your business.
Substack operates with a more contained ecosystem and offers limited integration options. It focuses on handling content creation and payment processing within its platform. This may be less advantageous for users who rely on multiple external tools and need seamless integration with other services.

6. Monetization

Regarding monetization, ConvertKit offers a broad range of options to help creators maximize their earnings. With ConvertKit, you can:
  • Create paid newsletters
  • Sell digital products such as e-books or coaching sessions,
  • Join the ConvertKit Sponsor Network to connect with potential sponsors


  • Allows for manual ads and affiliate marketing embedding.
  • Provides multiple revenue streams for creators.
  • The "Earn" tab highlights various income-generating options.
  • A versatile choice for diversifying monetization strategies
Substack’s monetization options are more limited. The platform primarily supports paid memberships as its primary revenue model. While you can manually embed ads and engage in affiliate marketing, these options are not built-in features and may risk penalties if not managed carefully.

Substack's Limited Monetization Options

Substack is designed for you to "only" monetize with paid memberships. Nonetheless, most writers on Substack accept advertisements and put them in the body of the post. But this is a workaround and not a feature.

A Risky Workaround

If you link to the sponsors without disclosing the link relationship, you go against Google guidelines. Substack doesn't allow you to create nofollow or sponsored links, so you'll risk a Google penalty for those links.
Also, Substack does not support:
  • Digital product sales
  • Sponsorships
  • Donations directly
This limits its potential for revenue generation compared to ConvertKit. Focusing on paid subscriptions means Substack creators have fewer avenues to explore for monetizing their content effectively.

7. SEO

When evaluating SEO capabilities, ConvertKit needs to improve in several areas. The platform does provide essential features such as custom domains and HTTPS, but it lacks the following:
  • URL slug customization
  • Meta descriptions
  • Sitemaps
  • Canonical tags
  • Redirects
These limitations hinder its effectiveness for search engine optimization, making ConvertKit less suitable for those who prioritize SEO in their content strategy. Its creator profiles are more akin to a Link-in-bio tool rather than a full blogging platform, further limiting its SEO potential.
Substack, on the other hand, offers a more comprehensive set of SEO features, including:
  • URL slug customization
  • Meta descriptions
  • Sitemaps
  • Canonical tags
  • Robots.txt files

Theory vs. Reality

While these features are available, Substack users often experience discoverability and search engine traffic challenges. Despite having the right tools on paper, Substack’s effectiveness in driving traffic from search engines is usually limited, as evidenced by user feedback and experiences.

8. Scalability

In terms of growth tools, ConvertKit excels with its extensive feature set. The platform supports:
  • Variety of integrations with third-party tools
  • Automated email sequences
  • Robust referral program through integrations like SparkLoop
ConvertKit allows for:
  • Custom sending domains
  • A/B testing for email titles
All of these factors contribute to effective audience growth and engagement. Including an RSS feed further enhances its capabilities for automating content delivery and attracting new subscribers.
Substack’s growth tools are more basic and limited. The platform lacks support for:
  • Plugins and integrations
  • Automated email sequences
  • Referral program

Segmentation, Testing, and Discovery

Subscriber segmentation is limited to distinguishing between free and paid subscribers, and there is no A/B testing for email titles. While Substack does provide an RSS feed, the absence of advanced growth tools makes it challenging for users to scale their audience effectively. The platform’s internal discovery tool and newsletter recommendations offer some support but do not fully compensate for the missing features.

9. Deliverability

ConvertKit’s emphasis on email deliverability:
  • Focuses on maintaining and improving deliverability rates
  • Provides best practices and tools for effective email management
  • Includes managing sender reputation and optimizing email content
Substack also focuses on deliverability:
  • Prioritizes managing sender reputations
  • Advises creators on best practices for email sending
  • Enhances email deliverability for effective communication

10. Analytics and Reporting

ConvertKit provides detailed analytics and reporting features wherein users can:
  • Track email campaign performance
  • Understand subscriber actions
  • Refine strategies based on data insights
The comprehensive analytics help users make informed decisions and optimize email marketing efforts.
Substack offers basic analytics that covers essential metrics such as:
  • Open rates
  • Subscriber counts
While it provides enough information for fundamental reporting, it does not offer the depth of insights available with ConvertKit. This simplicity can be sufficient for users focused primarily on content rather than detailed performance analysis.

11. Customer Support

ConvertKit provides a robust customer support system. It includes:
  • Email support
  • Extensive online documentation
  • Live webinars
  • A community forum where users can exchange tips and advice
This multi-channel support ensures that users have access to help whenever they need it. Users also praise ConvertKit for its fast response to support channels.
Substack’s support is primarily email-based and includes a detailed FAQ section. There are fewer options compared to ConvertKit’s more extensive support system. Users also complain about Substack's poor customer support.

12. User Reviews and Testimonials

ConvertKit generally receives positive reviews for its advanced features and customer support. Users appreciate its robustness and customization level, making it a favorite among those needing detailed control over their email marketing.
Substack is praised for its ease of use and straightforward approach. It’s particularly well-regarded by writers and creators who value a simple, content-focused platform without the need for extensive technical configurations.

13. Security and Compliance

ConvertKit emphasizes security and compliance, adhering to international regulations like GDPR. It offers features like double opt-in to enhance security and protect user data, providing additional tools for users to manage their security measures effectively.
Substack also ensures security and compliance but offers a more hands-off approach. The platform is designed to be secure by default, providing essential protections without requiring users to manage these aspects extensively.

Substack vs ConvertKit: Pricing Comparison

Substack vs ConvertKit
Substack vs ConvertKit

Substack Pricing

  • Free Tier: Basic newsletter functionality available without transaction fees.
  • Paid Subscriptions: Substack charges a 10% fee on subscription revenue.
  • Payment Processing Fees: Stripe charges standard fees of 2.9% + $0.30 per transaction.

ConvertKit Pricing

  • Free Plan: Available with basic features.
  • Creator Plan: $25 monthly, including live chat support, automated funnels, and 70+ integrations.
  • Creator Pro Plan: This plan costs $50 monthly and offers advanced features like subscriber engagement scoring and priority support.

Cost Comparison: Substack vs. ConvertKit


  • Charges a 10% fee on earnings. For a publisher making $3,000 monthly from 600 subscribers paying $5 each, this results in a $300 monthly fee.


  • Uses straightforward monthly fees. Publishers keep 100% of their profits, potentially leading to higher earnings.

Substack vs ConvertKit: Which Platform Should You Choose?

Substack vs ConvertKit
Substack vs ConvertKit
Choosing the best email marketing service for your needs is a crucial decision that can significantly impact the success of your email campaigns.


ConvertKit offers various features and customization options tailored to creators and entrepreneurs. Its robust capabilities include detailed analytics and strong integration options, making it ideal for those who require precise control over their campaigns and subscriber management.
Choose ConvertKit if you want a comprehensive and feature-rich email marketing platform. It is your best bet.


Substack stands out for its simplicity and ease of use. It's particularly suitable for writers and creators who prefer to focus on content creation without getting bogged down by the technicalities of email marketing. The platform's commission-based model ensures that it is aligned with its users' success, offering an accessible solution, especially for beginners.
When choosing between ConvertKit and Substack, consider your specific requirements and goals.
ConvertKit might be the better choice for you if you value:
  • Control
  • Customization
  • Analytics
Substack will be the perfect fit if you seek:
  • Simplicity
  • Ease of use
  • Straightforward model

Choosing the Right Platform for Your Needs

Both platforms have their strengths and weaknesses, so it's essential to understand your needs before deciding. Whether you need a platform for blogging, newsletters, or email marketing, there is a solution that fits your unique requirements.
If you want to combine a blog and newsletter, Feather's Notion to blog platform might be the perfect solution, leveraging Notion as your CMS while publishing your blog on Feather.

Centralize Your Business with Notion and Feather

Streamlining your business and content on Notion can enhance productivity and avoid switching between tools to manage your blog and newsletter. With Feather and Notion, you can enjoy a full Hubspot experience without the hassle of dealing with multiple platforms.

Send Emails From Notion and Go From Notion to Blog With Ease Today With Feather

Feather is an innovative SEO-friendly blog and email newsletter service that effortlessly empowers you to publish blog content and newsletters directly through Notion.
Say goodbye to coding and design complexities. Simplify your blogging experience with Feather by:
  • Crafting blog content on Notion
  • Seamlessly publishing content to your Feather blog
  • Setting up a Subfolder blog (e.g., for better SEO
  • Managing CRM and website blog through Notion for a HubSpot-like experience

Enhance Your Blog With Feather

  • Tailor your blog's design using custom CSS.
  • Collect email leads and access a range of other features.
  • Write content on Notion and automatically publish it to your SEO-friendly blog.
  • Collaborate effortlessly with your team during the publishing process.
  • Send newsletters directly to your Notion email subscribers.
Ready to harness the power of Feather for your blog and newsletter needs? Create an account today and send emails from Notion, or transform your Notion content into a blog in minutes!

Ready to start your own blog while writing all your content on Notion?

Notion to Blog in minutes

Start your free trial

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