7 Top Notion to Blog Tools for 2024: Features Pros and Cons

Starting a professional blog using Notion is a great idea and making it happen has never been easier. By using one of these 7 Notion to blog tools, you and your business will get the attention you deserve in 2024.

7 Top Notion to Blog Tools for 2024: Features Pros and Cons
We get it, the first part is the hardest. Creating and maintaining a blog can be a daunting task, but with the right tools, you can streamline the process to produce quality content super efficiently. It’s far easier than you imagine.
If you're already a Notion user, you're in luck! There are several tools available right now that integrate seamlessly with Notion to help you publish your blog effortlessly.
In this post, we'll explore all 7 of these top Notion to blog tools so that you can start today.
PLUS if you feel inspired to start your blog after reading this list. We also reveal some critical steps to getting traction fast with a Bonus: 9 Key Steps to Blogging Success in 2024.

Why bother blogging in 2024?

Blogging in 2024 has actually never been more important. You might think that AI has put an end to all written content. In fact, it’s quite the opposite.
AI has created a huge opportunity for anyone who is willing to write authentically. Good quality human content will now make you stand out from the crowd.
Whether you're a personal blogger, a professional content creator or a business, the tools we list below simplify your workflow, optimize your content for search engines, and help you create visually appealing blogs, in minutes. All from within Notion!

Using Notion to Blog

Notion is a phenomenal productivity tool used by many millions of people and businesses, for good reason.
Notion allows for seamless organization and management of content. It has a super user-friendly interface so you can easily create, edit, and arrange any content. This is why one of the best use cases for Notion is to blog.
Whilst Notion is great for organising content, the pages themselves are not ideally designed to publish as a blog. Publishing pages directly from the Notion platform is possible, but it’s quite clear that the reader is looking at a Notion page.
However, you now can use Notion to create the content for your blog and then by using one of the simple tools below, turn it into a truly professional blog site, in minutes. Don’t believe me?
There are many hugely successful blogs using Notion and Feather for their content eg.
Now let’s see how you can turn your Notion pages into a blog in minutes with these top Notion to blog tools…

7 Notion to Blog Tools for 2024

1. Feather

Feather is a powerful Notion-to-blog tool that allows you to create, manage, and publish your blog directly from Notion.
It's designed to make blogging as simple as possible, leveraging the simple interface of Notion to craft and organize your content. Then Feather automatically turns it into a professional, SEO optimised, branded blog.
The difference is huge!
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Top Features
  • Seamless Integration: A simple process makes it easy to set up unlimited blog sites with a direct integration to Notion, which automatically updates you blog when making changes.
  • Design: Feather offers a variety of built in and custom design options, including light and dark mode and page layouts, to make your blog unique and on brand.
  • User-Friendly: Simple and intuitive interface, perfect for both beginners and advanced.
  • Analytics: Feather includes analytics tools as standard, allowing you to track your blog's performance and make data-driven decisions.
  • Well-Established: Feather is already being used by many big, successful blogs, demonstrating its reliability and effectiveness.
  • Features: All features included in all plans. Newsletter, email capture, and affiliate integrations built in.
❌ Limitations
  • No Free Plan: No free plan outside of the 7 day trial.
  • Blog-centric: Inability to create other types of website.
  • Extras: Many of the extra features will not be required by new blog creators.
  • Free trial available.
  • Pricing based on traffic not features.
  • Discount for annual purchases.
  • AI writing tools included.
  • $39 per month.

2. Super

Super is a big player in this space and they help users transform Notion pages into fully functional websites with ease.
Super focuses on simplicity and speed, allowing you to create a professional-looking site, which could be a blog, without needing any coding skills.
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Top Features
  • No Coding Required: Create a professional-looking blog without writing a single line of code.
  • Fast Setup: Get your site up and running in minutes.
  • Custom Domains: Easily connect your own domain to your Super site.
  • Variety: Super can create tons of different types of websites and has a huge variety of templates.
❌ Limitations
  • Limited Blogging Features: Primarily designed for websites, so blogging-specific features are somewhat limited.
  • Pricing: Can be expensive for those looking for advanced customization.
  • Limited SEO Integration: Lacks advanced SEO integration features.
  • Analytics: The built-in analytics are not included in the base price.
  • Pricing per site $16 - $28 depending on features.
  • Analytics additional $10-$400 per month.
  • Free trial available with no card required.

3. Bullet

Bullet is a lightweight tool designed to help you publish Notion pages as template websites. Bullet is all about speed and efficiency, allowing you to get your content online quickly in just 3 steps by duplicating a Notion database.
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Top Features
  • Simplicity: Easy to use with a focus on simplicity rather than overcomplicated features.
  • Affordable: Competitive pricing makes it accessible for most users.
  • Membership: Membership and gating features available.
  • Templates: 20 templates to choose from (6 are blog templates)
❌ Limitations
  • Basic Features: Limited to essential blogging features, which might not be enough for some users who scale their blog.
  • Customization: Fewer customization options compared to some other tools.
  • Limits: Limited number of sites users are able to create.
  • Pricing $9-$49 per month (max 5 sites)
  • Free trial/plan available.

4. Ghost

Ghost is a popular open-source blogging platform that can be integrated with Notion using Zapier.
Ghost is known for its powerful features and flexibility, making it a favourite among professional bloggers and influencers.
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Top Features
  • Powerful Features: Offers a wide range of features for professional blogging and website management.
  • Community Support: Large user community and extensive documentation with lot’s of scaling options.
  • SEO Optimization: Built-in SEO tools to help your blog rank higher in search engines.
  • Integrations: Lot’s of integrations available such as Stripe, Zapier, Discord, Spotify, Slack, Facebook and Instagram.
  • Success: Lot’s of very large companies use Ghost to grow their audience and content machines.
❌ Limitations
  • Complex Setup: Requires more technical knowledge to integrate with Notion.
  • Cost: Higher cost compared to other Notion-to-blog tools. Especially as you scale.
  • Pricing is based on audience numbers and features eg an audience of 1k = $19 - $249 per month, an audience of 75k = $519 - $861 per month.
  • 20% discount when paying yearly.
  • 14 day Free trial available.

5. Simple.ink

Simple provides a straightforward way to turn your Notion pages into a website or blog. It requires just a Notion URL to get started. Simple emphasizes ease of use and quick setup, making it ideal for users who want to get started quickly.
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Top Features
  • Ease of Use: Very user-friendly with minimal setup required. All done using a link to your Notion page.
  • Customizable: Offers good customization options to personalize your blog.
  • Responsive Design: Ensures your blog looks great on all devices.
  • Pricing: Free plan available for new users to get started right away.
❌ Limitations
  • Limited Advanced Features: Does not have the advanced features some users will need.
  • Focus: Not optimised for blogs. Used mainly for personal sites.
  • Basic: The design of your site once published is still very similar to your original Notion pages.
  • Pricing $19 - $36 per month based on number of sites required.
  • Free plan available.
  • Analytics are a separate feature and cost $36 - $108 per month.

6. Sotion

Sotion is a simple tool to add password, membership and payment features to Notion pages, allowing you to monetize, protect and publish content from Notion on a custom domain. Whilst Sotion isn’t specifically for creating blogs, you certainly could create a blog and use Sotion to gate access to it in various ways.
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Top Features
  • Painkiller: Sotion’s main use case is a common issue for content creators who want to make more use of their Notion pages.
  • Risk free: Sotion offer a 30 day money back guarantee.
  • Integrations: Allows integrations with Stripe, Lemon Squeezy, Zapier, Gumroad.
❌ Limitations
  • Features: Focused on Notion page gating rather than specifically creating professional blogs.
  • Customization: Fewer customization options compared to more robust tools.
  • Expertise: Requires some knowledge of API keys and other advanced developer tools.
  • Design: The pages you publish are still similar in design to standard published Notion pages.
  • Plans from $17 - $97 per month based on features required.
  • 7 day free trial available.
  • 30 day money back guarantee.

7. Stomod

Stomod is a simple tool for creating blogs and websites from Notion. It’s is aimed at a more basic user and has a cheaper entry point than most. Simplistic features and design options will mean you can get something published fast but you may quickly lack the options you want to grow.
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Top Features
  • Focus: A new tool that is focused on bloggers specifically but could be used for other websites.
  • Entry point: Cheap entry point to get started fast.
  • SEO: Has some built in SEO optimization features such as auto meta tags.
❌ Limitations
  • Unproven: Relatively new tool with few users and unfinished help docs.
  • Options: Currently no layout options which is a common feature in other tools.
  • Free 7 day trial available.
  • Pricing $7 - $17 per blog/per month depending on analytics capability.
Now you know how to turn your Notion pages into a professional blog, let’s look at some key steps to making sure what you write is a success.

Bonus: 9 Key Steps to Blogging Success in 2024

Starting a blog in 2024 presents unique opportunities and challenges. Here are the essential factors to consider to ensure your blogging success:

1. Focus on Quality Content

Quality content is more crucial than ever. With the influx of generic AI blurbs, quality human content is becoming more important. Quality content attracts and retains readers, boosts SEO, and establishes your authority in your niche.
Prioritize creating evergreen content that provides long-term value. Utilize multimedia elements such as videos, infographics, and podcasts.
Consistently update your content to keep it relevant and accurate. Use AI tools wisely to optimize for readability and SEO but ensure your content maintains a human touch.
AI should assist, not replace, your unique voice.

2. Implement Strong SEO Practices

Effective SEO drives organic traffic and improves your blog’s visibility. Stay updated with the latest SEO trends and algorithm changes. Focus on keyword research, optimize on-page SEO elements, and build high-quality backlinks.
Use tools like Google Analytics and Search Console to monitor performance and adjust strategies. Mobile-first indexing and voice search optimization should also be part of your SEO strategy.

3. Leverage Social Media

Social media is essential for promoting your blog and engaging with your audience. Identify which platforms your target audience uses and establish a presence there. Create a content calendar to share your posts consistently.
Engage with your audience through comments, direct messages, and interactive content. Collaborate with influencers and use analytics to track engagement and refine your strategy.

4. Build an Email List

An email list allows you to directly reach your audience and promote your content. Tools like Feather offer built-in email list features. You should start building your list by offering valuable incentives.
Segment your list to tailor messages and personalize emails to increase engagement. Regularly clean your list to remove inactive subscribers.

5. Monetization Strategies

Monetizing your blog can turn your passion into profit. Explore various revenue streams like display advertising, affiliate marketing, sponsored posts, and selling digital products. Create online courses or membership sites for premium content.
When the money starts to flow consider diversifying income streams to ensure steady revenue flow and mitigate risks.

6. Prioritize User Experience

A great user experience (UX) keeps readers on your site longer and encourages return visits. Ensure your blog is mobile-friendly and loads quickly. Use a clean, intuitive design with easy navigation. Optimize images and videos to reduce load times.
Implement interactive elements like comments sections, quizzes, and polls. Regularly test your site’s performance and make improvements. Follow web accessibility guidelines to ensure usability for people with disabilities.
Staying informed about the latest trends and technologies is essential for maintaining a successful blog. Subscribe to industry newsletters, follow influential bloggers, and join online communities.
Experiment with new content formats like live streaming, virtual reality, and augmented reality. Regularly update your blog’s design and features to align with current trends and user expectations.

8. Invest in Analytics

Understanding your audience and how they interact with your blog is crucial for growth. Use analytics tools like Google Analytics to track performance. Some tools like Feather have built-in analytics.
Monitor key metrics and analyze audience demographics and behaviour to tailor your content. Use A/B testing to optimize design, content, and calls-to-action. Regularly review analytics to refine your strategy.

9. Creating a Content Strategy

A well-defined content strategy helps you stay organized and consistent. Plan your content to align with your goals and audience’s needs. Create a content calendar to plan posts in advance and ensure regular publishing.
Balance evergreen content with timely, trending topics. Incorporate various content types to cater to different preferences. Regularly review and update your content strategy to reflect changes in goals, audience, and industry trends.

The Big Picture

Starting a blog in 2024 requires careful planning and a strategic approach. By considering the key factors above and by using the tools we have listed, you can create a successful and sustainable blog that resonates with your audience.
Remember to focus on quality content, effective SEO, and engaging user experience to build a loyal readership. Stay adaptable and informed about industry trends to keep your blog relevant and competitive.
Choosing to use Notion as the backbone of your blog can significantly enhance your blogging experience. Within minutes you can have a stunning, customizable, no-code, optimised blog.

Why Feather?

Each of our 7 listed tools has its strengths and weaknesses, so consider your specific needs and budget when making a decision.
We believe that Feather stands out for its fast integration, user-friendly interface and huge range of standard features, which is why it’s already the top choice for many creators and businesses. Start your FREE Feather trial today and take your blogging to the next level!
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Want Video Too?

More and more great people and companies are heading to Feather to create professional blogs using Notion. One of the latest to create a Feather blog is Revid.ai. Revid.ai allow people to create viral videos in minutes with AI. Check it out!
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Ready to start your own blog while writing all your content on Notion?

Notion to Blog in minutes

Start your free trial

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