13 Best Blog Sites For All Budget Sizes

13 Best Blog Sites For All Budget Sizes

13 Best Blog Sites For All Budget Sizes
Are you an aspiring entrepreneur looking through the complexities of starting a business blog to take benefits of blogging for business? Choosing the right platform can be daunting, but fret not! This blog offers a detailed comparison of top blog sites to kick-start your blogging journey.
If you aim to weigh options and seek recommendations on the best blog sites for your business but feel overwhelmed by the choices, Feather's solution can help! Feather allows you to send emails from Notion, facilitating communication and freeing you to focus on blog quality and engaging with your audience.

What Makes The Best Blog Site?

Best Blog Sites
Best Blog Sites

Quick and Easy Setup

The best blog sites allow you to set up your blog quickly without needing extensive technical knowledge. Feather, for instance, is known for its simplicity and minimal setup process, enabling bloggers to focus on content creation rather than technical details.

User-Friendly Backend

A user-friendly backend is crucial for writing and managing blog posts. Feather provides a clean and intuitive interface that simplifies the blogging process, making it easy for bloggers to draft, edit, and publish their posts without hassle.


Customizability is critical to creating a unique and branded online presence. Feather allows for easy customization with various themes and design options that users can tailor to their preferences. This flexibility helps bloggers create a site that reflects their personal style or brand identity.

Support and Community

Even with user-friendly tools, technical challenges can arise. Feather offers comprehensive support through its user community and detailed documentation. This support system ensures bloggers find solutions to their problems quickly and continue focusing on their content.

Affordability and Value for Money

While free blogging platforms exist, premium features and higher traffic capacities usually come at a cost. Feather provides an affordable solution with various features that offer excellent value for money. This balance ensures that bloggers can scale their sites as they grow without prohibitive costs.

Blog Essential Capabilities

A platform’s suitability for blogging is determined by its core blogging features. Feather excels by offering streamlined blogging capabilities, including:
  • Easy post creation
  • Media uploads
  • SEO tools
  • Analytics
These features are designed to meet the needs of bloggers, making it an excellent choice for both beginners and seasoned bloggers.

How Your Blog Site Influences Your Blogging Journey

Best Blog Sites
Best Blog Sites

Ease of Use

As a beginner, you want a platform that's intuitive and easy to use. Platforms like Feather and Blogger are known for their user-friendly interfaces, allowing you to focus more on creating content rather than getting bogged down by technical details.

Customization Options

This can shape the look and feel of your blog. Platforms like WordPress.org offer a wide range of themes and plugins, enabling you to personalize your blog to reflect your style and brand. On the other hand, simpler platforms like Medium may have fewer customization options. Still, they can be great for those who prefer a minimalist approach and want to avoid dealing with design elements.

Ability to Grow and Monetize

Some platforms provide better SEO tools and monetization options, essential to turn your blog into a revenue-generating venture. WordPress.org, for instance, offers extensive SEO plugins and flexibility to:
  • Integrate ads
  • Affiliate links
  • Other monetization strategies
If your platform needs these features, you might be limited as your blog grows.

Write Once, Publish Everywhere With Feather

Feather is an SEO-friendly blog and email newsletter service that allows you to publish blog content and a newsletter through Notion. It requires no coding or design skills.
Feather allows companies to write blog content on Notion and automatically publish it to their Feather blog. It allows you to set up a Subfolder blog (domain.com/blog instead of blog.domain.com, because subfolder is better for SEO).
Feather enables companies to get the HubSpot experience through Notion by allowing them to manage all their CRM and website blog management through Notion.

Enhance Your Blogging Experience

  • Change design with custom CSS
  • Collect emails
  • Explore additional features
Write on Notion and automatically publish it to an SEO-friendly blog. During the publishing process, you can easily Collaborate with the entire team. Notion also allows you to set up and send newsletters to your email subscribers directly from Notion.
Run your blog and newsletter with Feather today — create a new account and send emails from Notion, or go from notion to blog in minutes!

13 Best Blog Sites For All Budget Sizes

Best Blog Sites
Best Blog Sites

1. Feather

Feather is an SEO-friendly blog platform that allows users to publish blog content through Notion without coding or design skills. The platform enables businesses to write blog content on Notion and automatically publish it to their Feather blog. Feather offers the option to set up a Subfolder blog (domain.com/blog) for improved SEO.

Customize Your Experience

  • Custom design with CSS
  • Email collection
  • Additional customization options
With Feather, you can easily collaborate with your entire team during the publishing process. Feather is ideal for businesses transitioning from Notion to a professional blog.

2. WordPress.org

WordPress.org, or self-hosted WordPress, is the most popular blog platform globally. It offers extensive functionalities beyond blogging. Users can use the platform to create any website, including eCommerce stores and forums.
To start a blog with WordPress.org, users need a domain name, web hosting plan, and WordPress installation on the web host. The cost of domain name and hosting may vary depending on user requirements, such as:
  • Traffic
  • Security
  • Scalability
WordPress.org remains a top choice for bloggers and businesses seeking a flexible platform for website creation.

3. Gator Website Builder

Gator Website Builder is an all-in-one solution from HostGator that provides hosting, domain names, and website-building tools. It is ideal for beginners. Gator simplifies the blogging journey:

Simplify Your Blogging Journey with Gator

  • Drag-and-drop builder
  • Free hosting
  • Domain name
The platform caters to novice and professional bloggers looking for an easy and cost-effective way to create custom websites.

4. WordPress.com

If you want to start a blog for free, WordPress.com is a reliable option managed by the creators of WordPress.org. The platform offers an easy setup process and options to upgrade for additional features like a custom domain name.

WordPress.com Manages the Tech, You Focus on the Story

WordPress.com boasts a large user base, providing a supportive community for beginners. With automatic software updates and maintenance features, users can focus on content creation without worrying about technical aspects. WordPress.com is a user-friendly platform for bloggers seeking a solid online presence.

5. Blogger.com

Blogger.com is a free blogging platform by Google, integrated with Google products like Analytics and Search Console. Users can access pre-designed templates and customize layouts using:
  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JavaScript
Automatic updates and server maintenance ensure the security and performance optimization of blogs. Bloggers can monetize their content through various channels, such as AdSense and affiliate marketing. Blogger.com offers a simple and cost-effective solution for individuals and businesses looking to create engaging blog sites.

6. Wix

Wix is a versatile platform offering a drag-and-drop interface for visually stunning websites. The platform features templates tailored for different niches, allowing users to create multiple websites, including blogs and online stores.

Wix Themes for a Beautiful & Branded Blog

Wix ensures an excellent user experience while enabling users to showcase their unique styles through professionally crafted themes. With its intuitive design and functionality, Wix caters to bloggers and businesses seeking a visually appealing online presence.

7. Squarespace

Squarespace is a popular platform among small businesses for creating professional-looking websites. The platform offers stylish templates and a comprehensive blog post editing tool with various customization modules. Users can connect with social accounts and personalize content using features like custom code and picture galleries.

Flexibility with Squarespace

  • Create websites
  • Design blogs
  • Build online stores
  • Develop portfolios with unique design elements
The platform suits users looking to stand out in the competitive online landscape.

8. Weebly

Weebly is a website builder that focuses on blogging capabilities. It offers a wide selection of themes for users to create impressive websites without coding skills. The platform's user-friendly interface and reliable hosting services make it a preferred choice for personal and business websites.
Weebly also integrates with Square for eCommerce functionality, enhancing its capabilities for online businesses. With blogging features and professional themes, Weebly caters to users seeking to create compelling content and establish a solid online presence.

9. Ghost

Ghost is a minimalist platform that simplifies blogging for individuals and online publications. The platform offers hosted and self-hosted options, catering to bloggers and publications focusing on content creation. Ghost is ideal for users looking for a first-rate authoring experience to streamline the content creation process. While unsuitable for entry-level websites with limited budgets, Ghost is a reliable platform for bloggers and publications prioritizing content quality and authoring experience.

10. Systeme.io

Systeme.io is an all-in-one platform designed for online business owners. It offers tools like:
  • Email marketing
  • Sales funnels
  • Membership sites
The platform is perfect for bloggers wanting to monetize their content and turn their blogs into profitable businesses.
Systeme.io features user-friendly functionalities for creating and managing online businesses, including sales funnels and email marketing campaigns. With detailed analytics and membership site features, Systeme.io caters to bloggers looking to monetize their content effectively.

11. Kajabi

Kajabi is an all-in-one platform for course creators and coaches, offering the following:
  • Course creation
  • Marketing
  • Sales tools

Kajabi Makes Selling Your Knowledge Simple

The platform is ideal for bloggers seeking to create and sell online courses, providing features like course customization and powerful marketing tools. With built-in hosting and secure payment gateways, Kajabi simplifies the process of creating engaging courses and optimizing sales. The platform also offers AI content writing assistance and live chat support for users looking to enhance their online course creation experience.

12. Content Hub

Content Hub Features

  • Content management system by HubSpot
  • Create, publish, and manage website content effectively
The platform includes a drag-and-drop editor for easy page creation and various tools for managing content. While competitively priced, Content Hub offers comprehensive sales and marketing tools like Sales Hub and Marketing Hub for generating leads and fostering reader engagement. Despite lacking themes specifically designed for blogging, Content Hub provides a modern and intuitive site editor for customization.

13. Medium

Medium is a blogging platform where users can share stories and ideas with a hefty monthly audience of over 100 million readers. The platform uses an algorithm to surface engaging blog content, eliminating the need for excessive SEO and marketing efforts.
Medium offers revenue opportunities for writers based on their article's performance, providing an additional income stream for bloggers. With a focus on reader engagement and revenue sharing, Medium is a popular platform for bloggers looking to reach a broad audience and monetize their content effectively.

Key Features to Consider in Choosing the Right Blog Site

Best Blog Sites
Best Blog Sites

Templates and Themes

Look for a platform that offers templates/themes that suit your niche and design aesthetic, minimizing customization needs.

Custom Domain Name

Choose a platform that allows you to connect a custom domain name to build your blog's brand professionally.

SEO Friendly

Opt for an SEO-friendly platform with built-in tools to help you rank higher on search engines.

Monetization Opportunities

Consider platforms that offer various opportunities to monetize your blog, such as affiliate marketing, banner ads, or page views.

Performance Insights

Built-in analytics provide valuable insights on post-performance, helping you create content strategically.


Select a blogging platform that allows growth, ensuring you won't need to switch platforms in the future as your blog expands.


Consider the availability of support for quick issue resolution, particularly for new bloggers.

Ease of Use

Evaluate the platform's user-friendliness, customization options, template quality, features, and integrations to ensure a smooth blogging experience.


Choose a platform that integrates with software or tools you use or plan to use, streamlining your workflow and system.
When choosing the best blog site for your blogging journey, remember the key features, ease of use, and integrations to support your blogging needs. By focusing on these aspects, you can select a platform that aligns with your goals and helps you achieve blogging success.

What to Consider in SEO

Best Blog Sites
Best Blog Sites
When selecting a blogging platform for your business, consider its SEO capabilities. A platform that offers built-in SEO tools can be beneficial in boosting your visibility in search engine result pages (SERPs). This is crucial to drive traffic to your blog and improve its online presence. Keep in mind that sites listed on the first SERP in Google receive 27% of all clicks for a specific keyword or phrase, as per a study by Backlinko.

Why Platform Choice Matters for Blog Ranking

Mastering SEO is a time-consuming process, particularly for those who are new to content marketing. On-page SEO, off-page SEO, and technical SEO require patience and dedication. That is why opting for a platform that aligns with your goals and needs is essential, especially if you aim to improve your blog’s search engine ranking.

SEO Features and Tools for Optimization

Optimizing your content for search engines is vital to driving traffic to your blog. To help you with this, many blogging platforms offer plugins or add-ons for SEO. Depending on your current knowledge, you should look for a platform that can assist you in building a site map or managing your blog URLs.

Choose a Platform With Built-In Reminders

SEO is a process filled with repetitive details. Therefore, it is beneficial to have a platform that can remind you to optimize each blog post for search engines as you create them. If a platform lacks advanced SEO functionality, check if you can install third-party SEO tools. Otherwise, you must familiarize yourself with SEO best practices and implement them on your blog.

Extensions and Integrations for Future Growth

Blogging requirements and objectives will likely evolve, particularly as your audience expands or your strategy changes. Hence, choosing a blogging platform that offers extensions or integrations with third-party tools is crucial. Platforms with a rich ecosystem of applications can grow with you over time, ensuring that you won't have to switch to a more flexible alternative in the future.

Send Emails From Notion and Go From Notion to Blog With Ease Today With Feather

Feather is a powerful tool for businesses looking to maximize the potential of their blog.

Benefits of Using Feather for Blogging

  • SEO-friendliness
  • Easy collaboration
  • Excellent newsletter integration
  • HubSpot experience through Notion
  • More effective blogging
  • Better audience connection
  • Enhanced business growth
Feather can help you publish your blog content and ensure your blog ranks well on Google and other search engines. With features like custom CSS and a subfolder blog, Feather enables you to tailor your blog to your SEO goals, ultimately boosting your online visibility.

Easy Collaboration

Successful blogging is a team effort, requiring coordination between writers, editors, and other stakeholders. Feather makes collaboration easy by allowing your team to:
  • Write
  • Edit
  • Publish blog content in one place
This streamlined approach can foster a more coordinated and effective blogging process, resulting in a more engaging and effective blog.

Seamless Newsletter Integration

Email marketing is an essential component of any successful marketing strategy. Feather integrates your blog with your email marketing efforts, enabling you to send newsletters to your subscribers directly from Notion. This means your blog and newsletter can support your marketing goals, enhancing your overall marketing strategy.

HubSpot Experience Through Notion

Managing your CRM and website blog can be complex and time-consuming, but Feather simplifies the process by allowing you to manage them through Notion. This integration can bring HubSpot's experience directly to your team, streamlining your approach to content management and supporting your broader marketing goals.
Send emails from Notion and run your blog and newsletter with Feather today to experience the benefits firsthand.

Ready to start your own blog while writing all your content on Notion?

Notion to Blog in minutes

Start your free trial

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