How To Build Your Nextjs Blog Using Feather

Attract customers with a Nextjs Blog! Learn how & build engaging content today with Feather's Notion to blog.

How To Build Your Nextjs Blog Using Feather
If you are considering expanding your customer base, explore the potential of establishing a Nextjs blog for your business. This blog explores the numerous benefits of blogging for business, providing valuable insights into leveraging this strategy for success. Discover the methods for constructing a blog on your Nextjs website or application, empowering you to cultivate deeper connections with your target audience, enhance website traffic, and elevate your brand's overall visibility.
Feather's Notion to blog is a valuable tool for achieving your goals in constructing a Nextjs blog. This user-friendly interface streamlines the processes of content creation, management, and optimization, ensuring effective engagement with your target audience.

What Is Nextjs?

Nextjs Blog
Nextjs Blog
Next.js, a popular open-source framework, is built on top of React and is known for its user-friendly approach. It enables developers to create server-side rendered (SSR) and static web applications effortlessly. Developed by Vercel, Next.js simplifies the process of building React applications by offering powerful features like hybrid static and server rendering, route pre-fetching, and more.
Next.js is designed to be:
  • Highly performant
  • Scalable
  • Optimized for production

Next.js Built-in Features

Page-Based Routing

Next.js provides an intuitive routing system for your pages, including support for dynamic routes.
Pre-rendering: On a per-page basis, you can choose between static generation (SSG) and server-side rendering (SSR).

Automatic Code Splitting

Faster page loads are achieved through automatic code splitting.

Client-Side Routing

Optimized prefetching ensures smooth navigation.

CSS and Sass Support

Next.js includes built-in CSS and Sass support, which works with any CSS-in-JS library.

API Routes

Easily create API endpoints using Serverless Functions.

Getting Started With a Basic Nextjs Blog

Nextjs Blog
Nextjs Blog
Before we begin, ensure you have basic knowledge of JavaScript and React. If you’re new to React, consider going through the official React tutorial first.

Steps in Creating a Basic Blog App Using Next.js

1. Initialize a New Next.js App

Open your terminal and run the following command: npx create-next-app my-blog

2. Navigate to Your Project Directory

Navigate to the folder created by the previous command: cd my-blog

3. Start the Development Server

To run local dev server: npm run dev

4. Create a New Page

Under the app, create a new directory called blog and add a new file page.js. Add the following content to page.js: /blog/page.js
const Blog = () => {
return <div>Welcome to my blog!</div>;
export default Blog;

5. View Your App

Open your browser and visit http://localhost:3000. You’ll see the “Welcome to my blog!” message when you visit /blog.

6. Add More Pages

Create additional pages (e.g., about.js, contact.js) under the About and Contact directory.
Each page should export a React component.

7. Styling

Next.js supports CSS modules to create a styles.module.css file in your component folder.
Import styles into your components and apply them as needed.
Following these steps, you can easily create an introductory blog post in Next.js. Personalize your blog with additional pages, content, and styling to make it unique and engaging for your audience. Start blogging today and share your thoughts with the world!

How To Build A Feather Blog

Nextjs Blog
Nextjs Blog

Sign up for Feather and Set up a Database

The easiest way to start your Notion blog is to duplicate an already-built database where you can add all your drafted and published posts. As soon as you log in to the Feather dashboard, you will see a button to Create your blog.
Once you click that, your blog creation process starts. The first step is to duplicate the Notion template/database that Feather provides. You only have to click the Duplicate Databases button, and Feather automatically duplicates the Notion template in your Notion workspace.

Organizing Your Blog with Notion Databases

You will see a new page created in your Notion workspace, and that Notion page has 4 databases:
  • Content
  • Pages
  • Tags
  • Authors.
This Notion page is all you need to create a complete blog with Notion and Feather.

Setting Up Your Notion Page for Feather

If you already have your Notion databases, you can use them instead of duplicating the Feather database. Now that you have your Notion page, you need to make that Notion page public so that Feather can read it and create your blog.
To do that, click on Share at the top right and toggle on the Share to Web option. Now, you can return to Feather, click Next, and continue the blog creation process.

Connect the Notion Databases

You will now see that there are 4 tabs in the dashboard:
  • Content
  • Pages
  • Tags
  • Authors

Connecting Your Database

Now, if you connected Feather to your own Notion database, you have to copy the links to each database and paste them into Feather to connect them.

Mapping Properties

Once you click Connect Database, you will see a screen where you map your Notion properties to Feather. You don't need to change anything here if you already use the default Feather template.

Connecting Additional Databases

All the required fields and properties will be automatically mapped. You can go ahead and click on Next. You can now repeat the same process for other databases, such as Pages, Tags, and Authors.

Connecting the Essential Database

If you don’t need Pages, Tags, and Authors immediately, you can skip them by clicking Next. You can connect them later after creating your blog. But make sure you at least connect the Content database. The content database is where you write all your blog posts.

Choose a Name and Domain for your Blog

Choose a name for your blog and a subdomain (you can change these later). If you want to connect your custom domain to your blog, you can do that after the blog is created. For now, just choose a name and create your blog.

Effortless Blogging from Notion to SEO-Optimized Platform

Feather is an SEO-friendly blog that lets you publish blog content through Notion. It requires no coding or design skills. Feather will enable companies to write blog content on Notion and automatically publish it to their Feather blog.

SEO Boost and Unified Management

Feather allows you to set up a Subfolder blog ( instead of because the subfolder is better for SEO). It enables companies to get the HubSpot experience through Notion by allowing them to manage all of their CRM and website blog management through Notion.
We also offer options to:
  • Collect Emails

Streamlined Workflow

Write on Notion and automatically publish it to an SEO-friendly blog. During the publishing process, you can easily Collaborate with the entire team.
Try Feather’s Notion to blog software for free today — create a new account and go from notion to blog in minutes!

Integrating Your Feather Blog With Your Nextjs App

Nextjs Blog
Nextjs Blog
Integrating Feather with Next.js to host your blog under a sub-folder on your main domain involves a few configuration steps. Here’s a detailed guide on how to achieve this.

Setting Up the Next.js Configuration

You need to update your next.config.js file to handle the routing and headers for your Feather blog. This ensures that requests to your /blog sub-folder are correctly redirected to Feather.
/** @type {import('next').NextConfig} */
const nextConfig = {
rewrites: async () => {
return {
beforeFiles: [
source: '/blog',
destination: '',
source: '/blog/:path*',
destination: '*',
source: '/_feather',
destination: '',
source: '/_feather/:path*',
destination: '*',
headers: async () => {
return [
source: '/blog',
headers: [
key: 'X-Forwarded-Host',
value: '',
source: '/blog/:slug*',
headers: [
key: 'X-Forwarded-Host',
value: '',
source: '/_feather',
headers: [
key: 'X-Forwarded-Host',
value: '',
source: '/_feather/:slug*',
headers: [
key: 'X-Forwarded-Host',
value: '',
module.exports = nextConfig;
In this configuration:
  • Requests to /blog and sub-paths are redirected to your Feather blog URL.
  • Custom headers are added to ensure the Feather blog recognizes the original domain.

Configuring Feather

Configure your Feather settings to support the sub-folder hosting.

Enable Subdirectory Feature

  • Navigate to Settings > Features in Feather.
  • Switch on the "Enable Subdirectory" feature.
  • Sub-folder Management:
Go to Settings > Sub-folder management. Enter the following values:
  • Domain:
  • Sub-folder: blog

Verify Domain Settings

Ensure you are using subdomain settings under the Domains section.
Remove any custom domain settings, as subfolders do not require custom configurations.

Final Steps

Once you’ve made these changes, your Feather blog should be accessible at
This setup tells Next.js to let Feather handle any requests to the /blog path, effectively integrating your Feather blog into your primary domain under a sub-folder. This allows you to maintain a seamless user experience across your website.

5 Reasons To Choose Feather For Your Nextjs Blog

Nextjs Blog
Nextjs Blog

1. Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Feather offers advanced features to optimize your Nextjs blog for search engines, enhancing visibility and making it easier to reach your target audience.

2. Sitemap and RSS Feed

Feather generates sitemaps and RSS feeds automatically, ensuring your content is:
  • Indexed correctly
  • Efficiently discoverable

3. Analytics

Track your blog's performance and engagement using Feather's built-in analytics tools. Gain valuable insights to improve your content strategy and grow your audience.

4. Perfect Writing Experience

Feather offers a seamless writing experience with:
  • Markdown support
  • Real-time collaboration
Its advanced writing features enhance your content creation process and improve your workflow.

5. High-Speed Performance

Feather ensures high-speed performance for your Nextjs blog, providing a smooth and responsive user experience for your readers. Keep your audience engaged with fast-loading pages and content.

Go From Notion to Blog With Ease Today with Feather

Feather, an SEO-friendly blog platform, enables businesses to effortlessly publish blog content via Notion without coding or design expertise. This innovative tool allows companies to seamlessly write and publish blog content on Notion, which is automatically transferred to their Feather blog.
One of Feather's standout features is its ability to set up a subfolder instead of—which is favored for SEO purposes. Feather enables businesses to manage their CRM and website blog management through Notion, offering a simplified and efficient alternative to traditional methods.

Seamlessly Publish Content With Feather

By utilizing Feather, businesses can easily transition from writing on Notion to publishing their content on an SEO-friendly blog. This integration simplifies the publishing process, allowing the team to collaborate effortlessly.
Feather offers advanced features such as the ability to customize the design using:
  • Custom CSS
  • Collect emails
With Feather, companies can enjoy the HubSpot experience through Notion, making blog management a breeze.

Try Feather Today for Free!

Feather's notion of blog software is available for free trial. It enables businesses to experience the seamless transition from writing on Notion to publishing their content on an SEO-friendly blog.
Create a new account and start your journey from Notion to blog in minutes with Feather.

Ready to start your own blog while writing all your content on Notion?

Notion to Blog in minutes

Start your free trial

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